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New mathematical models have been developed to predict water quality based on bather load and filter performance. These models will provide insights into how much treatment is needed and what types of problems need to be avoided. This session will look at particle concentrations, UV absorbance, and pathogen levels in a pool or spray pad. Amburgey will review the potential of identifying and maintaining safe levels of each parameter based on the treatment systems chosen. The session will discuss the comparison of faster turnover rates to a better filter system in terms of Crypto removal by using existing research findings instead of conducting new research projects. Learning Objectives: • Identify how bathers impact water quality • Calculate how filters or disinfection systems operate under varying bather loads • Examine how pools can be safer by using data to predict and avoid common problems Presenter Bio: Dr. James Amburgey has a Master’s and Ph.D. from Georgia Tech in Environmental Engineering and post- doctoral research experience from the CDC in Atlanta. He has more than 15 years of experience teaching and researching water filtration and coagulation at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.