Keeping Bathers Healthy; Understanding Critical Aspects of Proper Disinfection On Demand
Professional Training
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The number one priority that the pool industry can agree on is protecting our swimmers. Proper recreational water treatment and sanitation are critical to achieving this priority and requires an understanding of how to optimize the use of the tools and resources that we have. That includes staying apprised of the latest science, particularly as it relates to disinfection and efficacy to prevent recreational water illness (RWI) from various pathogens. Given that there are numerous considerations important for healthy recreational water management, understanding the critical aspects that impact proper disinfection as well as the premise for various best practices is key to practically and successfully minimizing the risk of RWI and keeping bathers healthy. This presentation will delve into multiple research lab studies as well as field trials in real pools to discuss practical considerations for optimizing biocide management, including new approaches to pathogens, as well as address common misconceptions that impact disinfection. Additionally, based on this literature review, this discussion will take an in depth look at an alternate analysis for using a CYA to free chlorine ratio to reasonably minimize the risk of disease transmission for our bathers. There have been a number of recent presentations and publications in this area. Most people in the pool industry are aware of only some of these developments. This more recent examination will include factors that were not previously accounted for; these adjustments and enhancements to a model used to estimate risk affect the model’s results and conclusions, and therefore, previous recommendations. Some other topics in this presentation include additional considerations aimed at healthier pools, such as secondary disinfection as well as non-biocidal methods that also improve water quality, such as filtration, flocculation, and the implementation of social science to impact bather hygiene.
Learning Objectives:
• Establish practical control of pathogens in pools
• Understand the impact of several operating parameters on sanitizer efficacy
• Examine current trends towards improved pool operations
Presenter Bio(s):
Tom Kuechler holds a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from the University of Illinois. He has over thirty years of experience in the water treatment industry, chiefly with Occidental Chemical Corporation. His responsibilities included product and application research, field trials, technical service, manufacturing support and regulatory support. He has co-authored ten peer-reviewed publications, six U.S. patents and ten papers at water treatment conferences. He was an active participant in the American Chemistry Council, Chlorine Chemistry Division’s Disinfection Working Group for ten years and the American Chemistry Council, Antimicrobial Exposure Assessment Task Force for five years. He is currently an alternate voting member on the NFPA 400 Hazardous Materials Code Technical Committee, a member of the CMAHC Chlorine Stabilizer Ad Hoc Committee, a member of the Disinfectant By-products Consortium Technical Committee and Technical Chairman of the Isocyanurate Industry Ad Hoc Committee.
Jenn Huang holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Truman State University. A dedicated scientist and auditor practiced in technical and regulatory support, product analysis, method development and implementation and GLP, ISO and cGMP documentation and quality standards, she has over 15 years of experience in biotechnology, healthcare, manufacturing, immunology and biopharmaceutical research with over 4 years in the water treatment industry. She has contributed to over six peer-reviewed publications, with two as a co-author. Some professional affiliations include American Chemical Society, Association of Water Technologies, American Water Works Association, Council for the Model Aquatic Healthy Code, and Pool and Hot Tub Alliance. She is currently an active member of Alpha Chi Sigma Professionals chapter (professional chemistry), an active member of the CMAHC Chlorine Stabilizers Ad Hoc Committee, and Technical Director of the Isocyanurate Industry Ad Hoc Committee, in addition to being active with the PHTA Recreational Water Quality Committee.