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Summary Pool management is a significant contributor to optimal cost, compliance and enjoyment in public swimming pools. In the absence of strict regulations, and greater insight into water quality, continuous improvement in pool management remains elusive to most pool managers and operators. However, swimmers bring microorganisms and organic substances voluntarily or involuntarily into the water, which can adversely affect pool water and air quality. The presentation will present pathways for pro-actively adopting additional water quality metrics to measure and improve outcomes. Case study data will compare other jurisdictions and present a rationale for improved management. Operational cost and energy savings could drive this approach forward until regulations become more integrated over time. Learning Objectives: • Discuss swimmer and lifeguard comfort • Examine health concerns through air and water quality • Define process control optimization Presenter Bio(s): Dr. Yamuna Vadasarukkai is a registered Professional Engineer and a Ph.D graduate from Dalhousie University. She has more than five years of progressive experience in design and optimization of drinking water treatment and the Research and Development/Engineering Manager at SanEcoTec Ltd. Her work focuses on the development and management of innovative and sustainable technologies in water disinfection and water treatment processes for municipal, pools and agricultural applications. She is knowledgeable of Provincial, Federal, and Municipal regulatory requirements and the application process for approvals. She manages projects involving comprehensive risk assessment and optimization of pool infrastructures in Ontario. Ludo Feyen, MSc. Eur. Ing is the Director at Labo Derva. He is a co-author of New Pool Regulation Netherlands. A Member and expert to the High Health Council Belgium – a Water Quality Consulting Engineer and Scientist with over 30 years of experience in water treatment of swimming pool water, drinking water, process water and legionella problems.